from pyPMX import *
from pyDXL import *
import math, kbhit, time, serial, threading
# Communication task with PMX
def func1(arg):
id = 0
# Class instantiation
pmx = PMXProtocol(arg[0], lock = arg[1])
# Setting initial conditions
pmx.MemREAD(id, 400, 6) # Clear error flag
pmx.MotorWRITE(id, 2, ()) # Torque free
pmx.MemWRITE8(id, 501, (1, 0b11111)) # Control mode (All)
pmx.MotorWRITE(id, 1, ()) # Torque enable
while arg[2]:
ang = int(math.sin(time.time()) * 9000.0)
r = pmx.MotorWRITE(id, 0, (ang,)) # Angle command
if r != None:
arg[3] = r[1][0]
pmx.MotorWRITE(id, 2, ()) # Torque free
del pmx
# Communication task with DXL
def func2(arg):
id = 1
cnt = 0
led = 0
# Class instantiation
dx2 = DXLProtocolV2(arg[0], lock = arg[1])
# Setting initial conditions
dx2.Write8(id, 64, 1) # Torque enable
while arg[2]:
ang = int(math.sin(time.time()) * 1024.0) + 2047
dx2.Write32(id, 116, ang) # Angle command
r = dx2.Read32(id, 132, signed = True) # Read feedback values
if r != None:
arg[4] = r
cnt += 1
if cnt % 10 == 0:
led ^= 1
dx2.Write8(id, 65, led) # Update LED status
dx2.Write8(id, 65, 0) # LED off
dx2.Write8(id, 64, 0) # Torque free
del dx2
kb = kbhit.KBHit()
# Open serial port
com = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyAMA0', 1000000, timeout=0.005)
lock = threading.Lock()
act = True
v1 = 0
v2 = 0
SharedVar = [com, lock, act, v1, v2]
# Start thread
th1 = threading.Thread(target = func1, args = [SharedVar])
th2 = threading.Thread(target = func2, args = [SharedVar])
# Loop until keyboard input
while True:
if kb.kbhit():
print(f' pmx:{SharedVar[3]:6d}, dxl:{SharedVar[4]:6d}', end = '\r')
# End
SharedVar[2] = False
del kb, lock, com, th1, th2